Glasgow Museums
Glasgow Museums consists of 10 council run museums, including The Burrell Collection, the recently renovated Kelvingrove and the newly built Riverside Museum. Covering a wide range of subject matter – Art, Natural history, design, social history, tapestry and transport to name a few. The depth of the archive makes it an ideal license for a Museum Collection range that could be extensive and long lasting
Glasgow Museums
This gallery is dedicated to showing the impressive architecture and locations of the group of Glasgow Museums, represented by Yellow House Art Licensing -
Charles Rennie Mackintosh & The Glasgow Style
Economic expansion in late 19th century Scotland brought forth a flourishing art community in Glasgow, the nation’s largest city. The Glasgow Style, a distinctive style of decorative design by Glasgow artists & designers from c.1890 to 1920, was Great Britain’s contribution to Art Nouveau and Scotland’s significant contribution to the Arts and Crafts movement. Prominent among the influential Glasgow Style artists were the renowned architect, designer, and painter Charles Rennie Mackintosh and his wife, Margaret Macdonald. -
Jessie M King
Scottish illustrator who is one of the artists known as the Glasgow Girls. She is recognised for her illustrated children's books. She also designed bookplates, jewellery, textiles and painted pottery. Here work is delicate and graceful. -
Glasgow Museums have a multitude of paintings, tapestries and stained glass that would make excellent Christmas images -
Anna Atkins
Anna Atkins was an English botanist and photographer. She is often credited with being the first person to publish a book with photographic images and some sources state that she was the first woman photographer. These cyanotype impressions are delicate, ethereal and very striking. -
Costumes Parisiens
Reviving a celebrated title last published in 1839, Paul Poiret & Tom Antongini produced 'Journal des dames et des modes' June 1912 - August 1914. A magazine devoted to “ladies and fashion,” it featured society gossip, & poetry by Jean Cocteau, Anatole France,& the Comtesse de Noailles. Each issue with prints of women attired in gowns, robes, coats invariably stretching to the floor, exposing a delicate foot but absolutely no leg. Children, properly kitted out smartly and even the occasional man! -
This controversial purchase by Glasow Museums in 1951 provokes polarised emotional response in visitors to the gallery. The dramatic painting is owned outright by the museum including the copyright. -
The Glasgow Boys
The Glasgow Boys shared an aesthetic that opposed contemporary conventions of subject, style, and finish; their enthusiasm was for the real, the natural, and the uncontrived. In breaking with convention, they showed Scotland an invigorating new way of seeing itself. -
Impressionists & Post-Impressionists
The Burrell Collection has a stunning array of impressionist and post impressionist paintings. Most notably a significant range of work by Degas -
Italian Paintings - The Essence of Beauty
Essence of Beauty at Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum has around 40 paintings as well as armour, ceramics, glass and sculpture, featuring works from the late 14th century onwardsStar objects, such as the Titian and the Botticelli, have been on constant display since they were acquired but other works have not been seen in public for at least 100 years. -
Japanese Papers
Always interested in world culture Glasgow Museums have a wide collection of Japanese woodblock prints -
Japanese Woodcuts
A wide selection of wood cuts dating from the 17th century -
Maryhill Burgh Halls Stained Glass
A series of panels created by Stephen Adam (1848-1910) in 1878 for the Burgh Halls, depicting contemporary trades and professions of the Maryhill area at that time -
Pre-Raphelite paintings including classics by Millais and Edward-Burne Jones -
Scottish Colourists
This group of four Scottish artists, Cadell, Fergusson, Hunter, Peploe were among the first to introduce the intense colour of the French Fauve movement into Britain -
Shipping Posters
Transport has linked Glasgow with other ports and cities all over the world. Not surprising then that the new Riverside Museum holds a large collection of shipping posters. -
Social History
Retro black and white photographs from the People's Palace museum in Glasgow. -
Suzanni’s best-known silk embroideries from Central Asia are large intricately stitched wall-hangings. Masterpieces created as a collaboration of women from one family or tribe. Often started at the birth of a daughter and completed by shortly before marriage, they formed part of a dowery. Colours are used for their aesthetic effect, and for what they symbolize. Red the colour of love. White the colour of kings. Nature's colour is green, signifying health & rest; blue for the sky; yellow the warmth of the sun; and violet the colour of spring. -
Examples from the extensive collection of tapestries in the Burrell Collection.