Behind the scenes - Tiffany Lynch
Thursday, April 18, 2013 at 10:19
Yellow House Art Licensing


18th April 2013: It's time for our popular Behind the Scenes feature and this month we are focusing on the atmospheric and beautiful paintings and illustrations of Tiffany Lynch 

We have lots more images to show you in Tiffany's portfolio - not everything is on the website..

What's your favourite design/piece of work & why? My favourite painting to date is a recent one called ‘chasing rainbows’ 75 x 75 cm. I escaped the winter months through this painting using vibrate colour and spring time symbolism, in hope of capturing the magical realms of walks in the beauty of springtime!


What's been your best-selling design or piece of work to date?

My birdy poster for John Lewis is on of my favourite illustrations and currently the best selling in the John Lewis ‘House’ collection

Which part of the process do you like most? I love the process from beginning to end!

Which part do you like the least?! I enjoy all the ups and downs of creating art work!

What would your dream project be? To create a huge woodland range with all the different creatures and treasures through the seasons.

Who or what is your biggest source of inspiration? Nature

Which is your favourite Art House Licensing artist & why? I am drawn to Heather Flynn's work, i love her use of flat colour.

Which is your favourite Yellow House Art artist & why? ( – our closely associated online-gallery for buying original artworks) That’s a tricky question as Yellow House have some great artists! Paul Thurlby’s R is for Rabbit print would look great in my home!

Do you have your own work at home? Of course as I am work obsessed and like to study my paintings to see how I can improve my image making.

When designing your studio, what was the most important factor? Music mostly, it keeps me in the zone so I wear head phones as I like it loud. Working in a shared studio – Studio Greenhouse we all have very different tastes in music. I am a big fan of electronicia.

What's been your biggest mistake/cock-up?! My pricing of artwork has never been my forte. My painter pals always tell me I sell my work too cheaply but I want folks of my own age group to be able to purchase my work. With commission to add on, pricing is tricky for me.

What's on your drawing-board/ in your kiln / on your easel / etc. right now? Several canvas paintings on the go for my latest collection in the Brighton Open house festival at Milton House Park view Terrace Brighton.

What is the last book you read? Marks out of 10? Narcopolis Jeet Thairl 9 out of ten, I love novels set in India, brings back travel memories

What is the last exhibition you went to? Marks out of 10? Our Time in Ice- Onca Gallery Brighton

If you could own a masterpiece, what would it be? Yikes another tricky question - Cragie Aitchison ‘holy Island’

What’s your proudest achievement? Seeing my work at the R.A summer exhibition next to Cragie Aitchison was quite awesome, I was still a student at St. Martins at the time!

What’s been your biggest challenge? Being a muma and funding childcare for my working hours as professional artist, never enough hours in the day/night

Thanks Tiffany - it's great to gain insight into your diverse portfolio of work!


Article originally appeared on yellow house art licensing (
See website for complete article licensing information.